We only ship to Canadian addresses.
Our current shipping promotions:
- Free Shipping on orders over $199.00
- Canada Post Expedited Flat Fee of $12.00 (plus tax)
- UPS Flat Fee of $15.00 (plus tax)
Order Process and Shipping Information
Order Process:
After your order is placed, you will received a 'Status Update" email from us within 24 - 48 business hours letting you know the status of the items in your order and expected shipping date.
Due to circumstances beyond our control, unexpected back orders of products may occur or manufacturers may discontinue or have limited availability of certain items.
We will notify you if the merchandise is not available and provide you with other options.
Please note that while we strive to be as accurate as possible in pricing and inventory, we reserve the right to cancel and will refund any orders arising from such errors.
Shipping Information:
You will receive a Shipping Confirmation email from us after your order has shipped.
We do not drop ship, all items are shipped from our store/warehouse in Hamilton, Ontario.
We ship to Canadian addresses only, we do not ship internationally at this time.
We reserve the right to modify shipping charges at any time without notification.